of the Land of
Daeorian World History

The following information was excerpted in large part from Historia a’ Daeoria, a work of the renowned wizard Xoncauphagus Ahnkaderae (a.k.a. The Scrying Eye) written in the year 22692 of the Age of Gods. The information was collected by his exceptional skills at magically scrying not only great distances, but also backwards in time. (It is noted that even Ahnkaderae’s great skill, aided no doubt by his devotion to his god, could not reliably scry accurately into the distant future. Even the gods themselves cannot always see into the far future with certainty and accuracy.)

The information on the post-Gods history was assembled from multiple reasonably credible written sources from modern times.

The Age of Darkness . . . . . . [Year 0 to 246783: 246783 years]

Before there was time, there was darkness. Somewhere in the vast darkness between worlds and realities, clouds of dust and dirt and drifting rocks and boulders collided together to form a large, dark mass. For nearly a quarter of a million years this mass of dirt and rock drifted in darkness, compacted by its own weight into a spherical world devoid of life or spark, and this was pleasing to the god of death and darkness.

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The Age of Fire and Rain . . . . . . [Year 246784 to 420449: 173665 years]

The god of fire, in his idleness, happened to notice this drifting world and took offense at the cold darkness in which this world existed. He created a fire in the sky to rain down light and warmth upon the world. When the sun first exploded into existence, it burned the barren world. Fired in the furnace of the sun, the world became a molten ball of boiling lava.

Over time the raging sun calmed into a softly glowing star. The world’s surface cooled, though lava still boiled deep inside. Clouds of searing steam began to condense into oceans and rivers.

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The Age of Worms . . . . . . [Year 420450 to 746684: 326234 years]

There fell upon this world great ravenous worms that chew rock for food. These beasts would coil themselves around an outcropping of rock and squeeze it till it broke into smaller rocks which could be swallowed and ground to dust against one another within the gut of the beast. These sightless monsters covered the world with their excrement of powdered rock.

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The Age of Serpents . . . . . . [Year 746685 to 1031353: 284668 years]

The worms grew fat and large on the mineral-rich rocks of Daeoria.

Toothed monsters of the sea.

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The Age of Beasts . . . . . . [Year 1031354 to 1174317: 142963 years]


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The Age of Dragons . . . . . . [Year 1174318 to 1842345: 668027 years]


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The Age of Gods . . . . . . [Year 1842346 to 1865370: 23024 years]


There was one final battle between the gods of good and evil. Evil prevailed.

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The Age of Devastation . . . . . . [Year 1865371 to 1867573: 2202 years]


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The Age of Xox . . . . . . [Year 1867574 to 1880281: 12707 years]

Then end of Xox's rule has been foreseen, but the exact time is uncertain. Perhaps it is only wishful thinking, but the time is believed to be soon.

Xox's passionate hatred of the yeti has driven their kind to near extinction. Though it is believed that several small communities of yeti still hide in the caverns and canyons of the frozen northern mountains, they are very hard to find. Xox has set the bounty on yeti heads at 1000gp per head.

The result of Xox's campaign to exterminate all halflings is that there are no halfling villages or communities left in all of Daeoria. No, really. I mean it. Nowhere in all of Daeoria will anyone find any remaining communities of halflings. They've all been wiped out. Gone. Not even in the far eastern regions of Daeoria will you find any communities of halflings. I wouldn't kid you about this.

Because the little buggers are so good at hiding, though, you might find one or two individual halflings here and there deep in the woods and forrests of Daeoria. If you bring their severed heads to the authorities in Ashtakahr you will be paid a 40gp bounty for each head.

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The Age of People . . . . . . [Year 1880281 to 1980282: 100000 years]


It has been prophesied that one day Xox will be destroyed. The prophesies say that it will be humanoids (elves, humans, dwarves and others) who bring about his demise. When that day comes the descendents of those heroes will rule Daeoria for as far into the future as can be foreseen.

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