of the Land of
Daeorian Personalities

When Maexon was still a child Xox attacked the elven village of Maedinea purely for sport. It is rare for a wood elf to study the wizard's craft, but Maexon's father was one such rare elf. His father sacrificed himself to save his family and village from the marauding dragon and, though he died in the effort, he grieviously wounded the dragon. Maexon saw his father die in the jaws of the dragon, but he learned something very important: the great dragon can be hurt. "If it can be hurt," he reasoned, "then it can be killed."

It was his father's magic that burned the ice dragon, so Maexon chose to follow his father into the study of magic. Maexon himself is now over 1000 years old and has dedicated his life to the destruction of Xox. Maexon is said to travel with an elven cat who is both companion and familiar to the wizard.

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A paladin of the yeti race in the northern mountains, Tonsu has joined Maexon in their common cause of destroying the dragon that has nearly wiped the yeti people from existence on Daeoria.

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Xox (a.k.a. Xoxenphetapothylis)

Look elsewhere for a detailed biography of Xoxenphetapothylis, the white dragon known as Xox. Here you will find but a brief summary of what are deemed to be significant periods or turning points in his life.

Xox was the runt of his clutch, his egg being barely half the size of his brothers and sisters. While his mother was out hunting, the unattended eggs were found by a small band of savage yeti who took for themselves one egg each and destroyed the rest of the eggs in the nest. Except for Xox's egg. Being so small, his egg was overlooked. The yeti feasted on the developing embryos within the eggs they chose to take back to their lair. Unfortunately for the yeti, the keen sense of smell of the mother dragon tracked these nest destroyers back to their lair where she made a meal of them. Xox, who would have been a runt that would have been killed by his nestmates was now being raised as an only offspring and survived to adulthood.

Once old enough to venture out on his own and fend for himself, Xox chanced upon a venerable old wizard whose mind was warped not so mcuh by his great age, but by the excess of magical charms and artifacts he carried upon himself. The ancient wizard was literally blinded by halucinations and delusions and so never saw the dragon pounce upon him. His death was instantaneous. As Xox tore the entrails from the wizard's corpse, he accidentally slipped a claw into the encircling chain of an amulet that enhances the wearer's intelligence. He immediately felt more aware and perceptive. Intrigued, he lifted his claw out of the circling chain attached to the amulet. His suddenly duller mind lost all interest in the amulet, and he returned his attention to his meal, once again allowing his claw to slip into the amulet's chain. This time his reawakened intellect guessed that the amulet had something to do with his enhanced awareness, so he raised his hand and let the chain slide along his finger and studied the gleaming amulet in the frigid light of the winter sun. Then he looked over the body of the dead wizard and noticed two other amulets, rings on his fingers, bracelets around his wrists, and rods protruding from deep pockets in his robes. Carefully wrapping the dead wizard in the wizard's own cloak, Xox took his prize back to his small ice cave some few miles away. Thus, it is believed, began Xox's lifelong fascination and obsession with magical artifacts.

Xox rose to power slowly by gradually increasing his power and influence. First he sought out and obtained magical artifacts that enhanced his power, then he enlisted alies and killed enemies to expand his influence across the land. When his alies had served their purpose and ceased to be of further use they, too, were killed. Anyone who would seek to undo Xox's accomplishments might ponder carefully how he rose to his dominant position in the world and consider ways to reverse or counter that process.

Xox holds disdain for anyone and anything that is not himself, but he has a particularly passionate hatred for two races: the yeti and halflings. That a band of yeti almost destroyed Xox while he was still in the egg is likely behind his hatred of yeti. However, it is less clear why he holds such a strong hatred of halflings. Early in Xox's rise to power he often confronted a Gold dragon, Striddarenaas, in battle. This Gold dragon had appointed himself the guardian of a community of halflings. Though Xox eventually defeated Striddarenaas, he persecutes the halflings that once were protected by the gold dragon.

By his command it is not only legal in Daeoria to kill any halfling on sight (a 40 gp bounty is paid for their severed heads in Ashtakahr), it is also illegal to come into contact with halflings and allow them to remain alive. Anyone convicted of allowing a halfling to live is punished by slow and torturous public execution.


At his great and magically enhanced age, Xox is inclined to sleep a lot; sometimes for many decades at a time. It is said that he has not done so in the last few centuries out of concern for a prophecy of which he has learned. This prophecy, as you would likely suspect, predicts the downfall of the might wyrm himself.

Very little is known about this obscure prophecy, no doubt due to the considerable efforts of Xox to keep it secret. Xox would not want the existence of such a prophecy widely known, especially if the prophet behind it were considered credible. What little is known, or suspected, seems to suggest a descendant of Striddarenaas, the gold dragon Xox killed centuries ago, or a survivor of the halflings he once protected somehow have a hand in Xox's ultimate demise. Some believe it is this prophecy that explains Xox's persecution of the halflings better than the fact that Striddarenaas protected them. However, there are many prophesies and rumors of prophecies in these oppresive times and most, perhaps all, are nothing more than the wishful thinking of the oppressed people of Daeoria.

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Dwivle & Dweevle

Dwarven brothers Dwivle & Dweevle run a very successful trading post along a trubutary of the Ashtakahr river in the Southland Planes.

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Solanthahr Ahnkaderae

A wizard said to reside in an underground fortress several day's travel from Dwivle & Dweevle's trading post.

He is said to be a direct descendant of the renoun deviner Xoncauphagus Ahnkaderae.

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